Around the growth of the child's teeth, with the editorial: “Overcame hot and fussy time will grow teeth ”
Sometimes the fussy baby, his body was warm, and not appetite just because of growing teeth. Although being lost automatically, but was good him parents tried to overcome him. “Kok, like him lately the Riska rather fussy, ate him was difficult and his body was rather warm. Let us hope not he wanted to grow teeth. ” Demikianlah usually the presumption some you. However really all these signs the sign will grow teeth? According to drg. Taty Z. Cornain, SpKGA, from RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, sometimes indeed time will grow teeth, the baby became fussy, his body sumeng/warm, his appetite decreased. However sometimes also did not have the significant sign. In a sense, just very safe. “Reaksi this depended on his body resistance or endurance of the power of the illness threshold, that to each different baby. So, his characteristics were very individual. ” if body resistance of the good baby, when growing teeth always did not react the warm body. If also warm, was similar to the sign of early wanted flu.
“sad hot him was increasingly high and the baby then cramps or the convolsion. So as they usually at once carry out the preventive action, that is given medicine penurun hot. ” Selain the warm sign, must have been the baby will be fussy because he could not complain about the feeling of the illness. Fussy that was with him was also oldest a week. In spite of that with the feeling was not glad on his mouth until becoming lazy at eating or digested, as well as appetite that decreased. Usually this does not take place continually. If his teeth already non-the goal or appeared just a few, whether 1 or 2 millimetre, usually the impact that was caused by him, like fussy or was not glad on the mouth, then being lost. At that time, explained Taty, the teeth seed will leave his place in jaw bones and to the end emerged teeth in gums. Gums will seldom appear rather pale and rather prominent compared to gums on the side. In the process of the issuing of teeth from these jaw bones, he will penetrate gums, so as to hurt.
Now the deviation of milk teeth that the growth in the first month after the birth was known with teeth neonatal. As in the case of Christmas teeth, in the teeth deviation neonatal then was uncertain the baby experienced the sign was sick grew teeth. “Apalagi this only a form deviation of the growth and the development of teeth saja,” obviously Taty. So, Ms-Sir, every time did not grow teeth, the baby will feel the baby was sick alias his characteristics really variatif. Possibly had teeth that penetrated the solider network and were that not. Usually if penetrating the solid network, he will feel was sick. So, depended the density of the network that was penetrated by him. Only we could not ascertain what part that was thicker and that not. Must be overcome by Jadi, the Taty covering, if growing teeth to the baby did not have problems, then was kept still also not anything. Only if his baby became very fussy, apparently did not keep was sick, as well as his body was warm/sumeng, better parents tried to overcome him by giving medicine penurun hot as first help or the helper.
Often, the baby who was sick because of growing teeth were carried to the paediatrician, not to the dentist. The matter is, obviously Taty, if his body baby was warm, parents more suspicious not grew teeth, but the other illness like hot because of dengue fever, typhus, and other. ” Namun, although not the dentist, the paediatrician then could know whether the baby was sick because of growing teeth or not. “Bila his temperature was not too high and did not have the sign like the cough, pilek, and other, the doctor will see the condition for his mouth. If having something to his gums, like the colour of gums that were more pale and rather prominent compared to the other side, then was expected warm his body came from teeth that wanted to grow. ” Biasanya the doctor will give the medicine that contained the analgesic and antipiretik as the medicine of the feeling remover was sick. This medicine was in the content of medicines penurun hot. “Barulah if having a problem in his teeth, the example, the swelling very and rather kebiruan because of having his blood vessels that were hemmed in, was reconciled to the dentist.