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Tips maximised the Development of the Movement/Motorik the Baby 10-12 months

The age 10-12 bulan Around his age one year, the skill as well as the baby's skills makin developing. The pillar of his rough motor skill yg most prominent pada this age was increasingly skilled him he melangkahkan foot him. Currently the kecil increasingly hard-working melangkahkan foot him nearby while berpegangan pada furniture. :Jatuh bangun” was the matter yg normally yg would dialami the baby in maximising the running capacity. Therefore, sekali again, the security in and around the child must be awakened. In the age the baby's 10 months could have sat without help. Dengan used the strength of the arms muscle and his shoulder the small also began mampu generated his body to the position stood. All these skills bisa was carried out by the baby because he was increasingly clever at controlling the back muscle dan the shoulder. Apart from generating his body to the position stood the small juga liked to carry out the activity rose from sitting to afterwards sit down came back.
From his age yg the 11 months, yg most menonjoldalam the capacity motor rough the small was dapar was independent in time approximately 2 the second. At the moment apparently the small liked to stand without bantuan anything. This happened because of the control himself would the balance semakin developed, so as made the small be used to stood above kedua foot him. In carrying out the training activity berdri without this help, the kecil will straighten his leg from the position tengkurap or sat. Then ia will lift his body in a focusing manner to his two hands palms. His new happiness made the baby “malas” to sit again. Although wanting to return to the position sat, he would berpegangan apda the table. Moreover the small currently could have stood at attention 900 dashingly dan he continued denganberjalan two three steps yg will be tried by him lagi continually to convince himself, that he now could menapak the world without help who.
Apart from could have been independent, the small currently will become tukang panjat. Now he tries climbing things yg tampaknya interesting to be climbed like the table, the seat and the ladder. If menemukan the thing yg could dipanjat agilely the small will be climbing him. Oleh because that should not leave the small climbing without the supervision. Entered the age 12 months of most babies were ready for the road walau appeared still limbung. Went was the new experience yg amat fascinating. However sometimes the small chose merangkak ketika playing, possibly because this activity could make him moving lebih fast. Went was the activity yg mesmerised and it was considered by many orang as one historic pillar in the physical development of the child. Dapat walked was the achievement of the peak of the activity of the rough motor. The development of the Movement: rose to stand and rise then sat again. To train him, seated the baby in the surface like the floor atau the mattress, and let he tried personally to stand or rise untuk afterwards sat personally.
From could be climbing the height 15-30 cm seated the baby on the floor and gave the toy yg was liked by him. Take this toy and placed in the place yg higher. Try to get him saw this toy was moved and said “Ambil nak”, while slapped-nepuk this place. The child will try to gain this toy by creeping, then climbing this high place. Accompany the child from belakangsambil gave urging. If he found the difficulty of helping by pushing his behind. From could go although still 2-3 steps and afterwards fell terdudu because his balance was not yet perfect. When beginning to be proceeding, the step the small still limbung. Could have gone. Sometimes although could have gone the small still liked merangkak, because this activity took place faster, moreover if he wanted an object yg far to be covered by him. Asked the small went outside the room, for example in the page of the house or the garden. He needed space yg the area to try foot-foot him moving agile. Let him explore the room with foot him without being held.

4 tips routines the baby could sleep

4 tips routines the baby could sleep was arranged and was sound asleep, Tri that practised in Aditya Medical Center Jakarta recommended orantua to carry out some routine. Choose the method that most got along well with the baby you.
1. The Fairy Tale
the Fairy Tale could make the baby fast terlelap. Choose the funny fairy tale book, interesting, and short. Read out gently and repeatedly. But the origin knew, not all the babies could enjoy the story. The effectiveness of this method also really depended on parents's capacity to tell a story. If the baby appeared to be not interested should be not forced. The substitute with the book that his picture was more interesting, not too many details, or looked for the other more effective method.
2. Sang AND said with love.
Give words the fairy tale with the song of Nina Bobo or the other song a kind that could calm the baby. Even so words were full of the feeling love that it was said very faint and soft. All that could make the baby calm. Repeat these words every time placed the baby in the bed. Peace was the key to the sleep baby twisted.
3. The SET of MUSIC to sleep
Musik that was exquisite will stroke the baby quickly, at first if the mother has been used to present music since the baby still in the content. Several babies succeeded in being calmed by this means. Please, because music also gave the effect of therapy that could stimulate the development of the baby's brain.
4. Create mode of the active live and not STRES a LIFE that had been carried out by the baby since getting up until before re-sleep (bathed, ate, played, went to the toilet, cleaned teeth and the mouth, listened to the fairy tale, et cetera) helped him to find the rhythm of the life. The rhythm was arranged made the baby could carry out anticipation towards the situation so as in this way he could receive the stability of emotions. This stability really memengaruhi the quality of the baby's sleep. The psychological condition for the mother also really memengaruhi emotions of the baby. The mother that stress will broadcast negative energy to his baby so as he was slavishly concerned. The clear concern was influential in the quality of the baby's sleep. Therefore, so that the baby could be calm the mother must also maintain his mental condition to stay stable.


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Tips lulled the baby had 5 matters that must be done

Tips Tri said, there were several matters that must be paid attention to before the baby fall asleep, among them:
1. Give eating/MINUMAN YANG CUKUP.
Banyak the baby was difficult to sleep or to often wake up from sleeping him because felt was not yet full. Therefore, satisfied the requirement ate and drank the baby before sleeping. If his physical requirement was satisfied, the small never again often woke up in the middle of the night. That must be paid attention to, was inspected from the health of teeth, the habit gave milk tonight better be stopped after the baby's teeth emerged (around the age 6 months after the period HEED exclusive). As his substitute, gave the pure water if he was quite thirsty or calmed the baby so that sleep comes back.
2. The clothes ELECTION that true
ELECTION clothes to sleep that was comfortable. Adapt his measurement to the baby's body. Don't be too big but also was not too small that could make him crowded. Chose that his material was soft. The comfortable night attire helped the baby terlelap for a night.
3. Clean Body
Body was close because of sweat and dirty after eating and playing easy made the baby's annoying very itchy skin sleep him. It is best to, wiped the baby's body with waslap wet before sleeping. If necessary sapukan the powder to his skin fold and oleskan oil telon on the stomach and his back. The method of could make the baby comfortable and fast fell asleep.
4. Arrange room and badroom
Design the atmosphere of the room so as comfortable to sleep. This covered the light order, ventilation, the colours, the temperature, but also his box situation. You could place the box in the bedroom, by parents's bed or in the special room. Respectively this choice had the lack and the surplus. If the baby was often restless and woke up from sleeping, propped up the side of his body with the small pillow or buntalan the blanket (could also the soft towel) so as the baby felt the baby there are those that was on duty at him. Avoid also the voice bising that made him find it easy to be awakened. Did don't use pewangi the room and medicine pengusir mosquitoes that could make him crowded. Mosquitoes indeed often made the baby sound did not sleep. With the mosquito net that could protect the baby from the mosquitoes attack.
5. Go to the toilet sleeping
Celana wet and dirty could disrupt the baby's sleep. Therefore, try to get so that the baby defecates (the CHAPTER) or urinated (the BASIN) before sleeping. Indeed, this did not guarantee the baby not the CHAPTER and the BASIN in night time, because often not him the baby went to the toilet was affected asupan the drink and food, also were varied the other factor. But at least, the baby was used to it arranged his biological hour, including for the CHAPTER and BAK. Nah, so that the baby could continue to “kering” should not make accustomed gave him milk if he got up the night or used pospak. The requirement for the baby's nutrition 6 months above better be filled in the morning till 1-2 hours before sleeping the night then.

Overcame hot and fussy time will grow teeth

Around the growth of the child's teeth, with the editorial: “Overcame hot and fussy time will grow teeth ”
Sometimes the fussy baby, his body was warm, and not appetite just because of growing teeth. Although being lost automatically, but was good him parents tried to overcome him. “Kok, like him lately the Riska rather fussy, ate him was difficult and his body was rather warm. Let us hope not he wanted to grow teeth. ” Demikianlah usually the presumption some you. However really all these signs the sign will grow teeth? According to drg. Taty Z. Cornain, SpKGA, from RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, sometimes indeed time will grow teeth, the baby became fussy, his body sumeng/warm, his appetite decreased. However sometimes also did not have the significant sign. In a sense, just very safe. “Reaksi this depended on his body resistance or endurance of the power of the illness threshold, that to each different baby. So, his characteristics were very individual. ” if body resistance of the good baby, when growing teeth always did not react the warm body. If also warm, was similar to the sign of early wanted flu.
“sad hot him was increasingly high and the baby then cramps or the convolsion. So as they usually at once carry out the preventive action, that is given medicine penurun hot. ” Selain the warm sign, must have been the baby will be fussy because he could not complain about the feeling of the illness. Fussy that was with him was also oldest a week. In spite of that with the feeling was not glad on his mouth until becoming lazy at eating or digested, as well as appetite that decreased. Usually this does not take place continually. If his teeth already non-the goal or appeared just a few, whether 1 or 2 millimetre, usually the impact that was caused by him, like fussy or was not glad on the mouth, then being lost. At that time, explained Taty, the teeth seed will leave his place in jaw bones and to the end emerged teeth in gums. Gums will seldom appear rather pale and rather prominent compared to gums on the side. In the process of the issuing of teeth from these jaw bones, he will penetrate gums, so as to hurt.
Now the deviation of milk teeth that the growth in the first month after the birth was known with teeth neonatal. As in the case of Christmas teeth, in the teeth deviation neonatal then was uncertain the baby experienced the sign was sick grew teeth. “Apalagi this only a form deviation of the growth and the development of teeth saja,” obviously Taty. So, Ms-Sir, every time did not grow teeth, the baby will feel the baby was sick alias his characteristics really variatif. Possibly had teeth that penetrated the solider network and were that not. Usually if penetrating the solid network, he will feel was sick. So, depended the density of the network that was penetrated by him. Only we could not ascertain what part that was thicker and that not. Must be overcome by Jadi, the Taty covering, if growing teeth to the baby did not have problems, then was kept still also not anything. Only if his baby became very fussy, apparently did not keep was sick, as well as his body was warm/sumeng, better parents tried to overcome him by giving medicine penurun hot as first help or the helper.
Often, the baby who was sick because of growing teeth were carried to the paediatrician, not to the dentist. The matter is, obviously Taty, if his body baby was warm, parents more suspicious not grew teeth, but the other illness like hot because of dengue fever, typhus, and other. ” Namun, although not the dentist, the paediatrician then could know whether the baby was sick because of growing teeth or not. “Bila his temperature was not too high and did not have the sign like the cough, pilek, and other, the doctor will see the condition for his mouth. If having something to his gums, like the colour of gums that were more pale and rather prominent compared to the other side, then was expected warm his body came from teeth that wanted to grow. ” Biasanya the doctor will give the medicine that contained the analgesic and antipiretik as the medicine of the feeling remover was sick. This medicine was in the content of medicines penurun hot. “Barulah if having a problem in his teeth, the example, the swelling very and rather kebiruan because of having his blood vessels that were hemmed in, was reconciled to the dentist.

The tip in order to be successful

The tip in order to be successfu.

  1. Carried out 4 supporting routines so that the calm baby (saw the box).
  2. Use the hour or stopwatch to monitor break time before checking the room of the baby accurately.
  3. So that Anda is personally not restless, tried to carry out the pleasant activity when being waiting for break time. - don't come back if the baby has been seen calm. The arrival of parents only provoked the baby cried again.

Control CRYING

This method was often used by parents in many countries and was effective enough to calm the baby after several nights. His principle almost was the same as the method kesatu, that is let the baby cried. The baby will then surrender and finally fell a sleep. The difference is, this method gave break time that was extended gradually. Before beginning him, parents could break how long the child will be allowed to cry, minimal one minute. After placing him in the bed, said good night and left the small. If the baby continued to be awakened, came back in a period of that was appointed, for example 5 minutes. After the baby was calmed, left again and came back in longer time, like that henceforth until parents could leave the baby was oldest 20 minutes. Do that in the following night. Slowly increased the time break before checking the baby's situation. For example, don't come back visited the small before 10 minutes ended, then extended the time through to maximal 25 minutes. In the third night, after the mother's 15 minutes could just visit the baby in his box, afterwards the break was extended to 30 minutes, et cetera.

Tips lulled the Baby

Tips 5 methods lulled the baby so that parents could sleep soundly. Whatever the method that was chosen should not ignore the requirement for the safe feeling to the baby. The quality of the baby's sleep only was not influential in the physical development, but also his attitude keesokan the day. The baby who slept was enough without often woke up would more bugar and not easy fussy. His benefit could be also felt by the mother and the father. The quality of parents's sleep could be better if the baby could sleep twisted for the length of the night. The activity from the morning to the afternoon then could be undergone fluently. The problem is, the baby often woke up tonight not the hungry reason or the other disturbance, but as being revealed by Siobhan Stirling in his book of Sleep, most babies woke up in the middle of the night because of the change in the sleep phase, from being sound asleep to minor sleep. Sleep minor or slept the BRAKE (rapid eye movement) was the condition for sleep with the characteristics in part, the breath was not arranged, the body tended tense, and the eyeball moved under the eyelids. In this condition, When waking up, possibly the baby cried and looked for the mother. It was not rare, the mother then suckled or carried the baby repeatedly that of course disrupted the quality of his sleep. Every few hours, the mother or the father must wake up and menenang-would the baby.


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About the HIB immunisation

What of Hib?
Hib was the abbreviation for Haemophilus influenzae type b, a kind bakteria that caused the illness that could result in fatal, like: the Inflammation of the cerebral membrane (Meningitis) -jangkitan to the cerebral membrane and nerves supported the Inflammation of the lungs- the lungs (pneumonia) - jangkitan to the lungs- the Inflammation lungs epiglotis (kerongkong) - jangkitan in epiglottis blood Poisoning (septicaemia) - jangkitan Arthritis blood - jangkitan in the foundation of the Hib Illness, jangkitan the HIV and Hepatitits B BUKAN of one same illness. The B vaccine of the Hepatitis preventive was the B Hepatitis vaccine whenever the Hib illness vaccine was the Hib vaccine.

Why did the Hib illness be dangerous?
Was easy to be contagious especially dikalangan the child is easy to spread Usually caused the fatal illness or brought the death. Jangkitan Hib to the cerebral membrane could result in kecatatan the lasting brain.

Who that could terjangkit the Hib illness?
The Hib illness often was current dikalangan the child- the low child the age 5 years. The risk jangkitan was highest dikalangan the child- the child be aged was supervised 1 year. Pengaulan was in a meeting to the child- the child who was infected by Hib increased the risk of receiving the Hib illness. The baby that got HEED, will receive the protection than the Hib illness, but like that, the Immunisation was still being needed to receive the maximal protection.

How did the Hib illness spread?
The Hib illness might spread if the person who was infected by the cough or sneezed. Also might spread through the consortium of the toy thing that was put into the mouth.

What was the Hib immunisation side-effect?
The Hib immunisation was SAFE Kesan side (=efek samping) that is valid usually light and was not dangerous berbanding if receiving the Hib illness or his complication. Although although, was sick, the swelling and reddish might be current ditempat the injection. This always him was current from 1hingga 3 days after the immunisation. Occasionally, the child- the child or baby might also receive the fever for the short period after the immunisation.


Babies who were suckled by his mother will be calm and did not find it easy restless for a long time. Moreover after they disapih they were stronger faced the situation that could make stress, for example his parents's divorce. Was like this newest scientific proof about the benefit HEED for the baby who was published in the journal of Archives of Disease in Childhood. The "baby who was suckled, too much was not affected by the divorce or the separation" of "his parents, they also did not find it easy restless and concerned," said Dr Scott Montgomery, the epidemiology expert in Karolinska Institute Sweden, as being quoted by Reuters. HEED contained much nutrition, the hormone, the enzyme, for the growth and body immunity that were reduced by his mother to the baby. This research also showed HEED could reduce the infection, respiratory disease and diarrhoea in the baby. The mother who suckled his baby also could be avoided from the bleeding after giving birth. Montgomery and his team researched how the baby was 10 years old yang was given HEED and that was given formula milk faced stress resulting from the problem of the marriage of his parents.
Approximately 9000 babies became this research respondent. They had been monitored since being born to went to school. Teachers in the school also were questioned about the level of children's nervousness in the scale 0-50. Evidently the child that previously got HEED could face the problem and stress was better was compared that did not meet ASI. Tetapi the researchers did not yet know the connection between HEED and the level of the nervousness. According to the temporary assumption, children who were suckled did not find it easy restless because when being suckled by them felt received his parents's affection, the embrace and the mother's embrace during suckled also calmed the baby. Moreover suckled also was influential towards the development of the body in responding to stress. "Increasingly was studied by us about HEED, even more benefits that were found by us." Suckled could be acknowledged as one of the important matters in the development of humankind, said Montgomery.

Baby food with Ambon bananas

For Baby food with Ambon bananas
B a h a n: 1 Ambon banana.
The instruction: bananas were washed clean then was peeled. Bananas were scraped soft and was put inside cangkir. Bananas that were scraped better be mixt with the orange juice/tomatoes water. The giving method: For The First Time was given totalling 1 sdt. further days were increased so as to be able to finish 1 or 2 banana.

The Bubur Susu instruction to the baby

The Bubur Susu instruction to the baby:
B a h a n: 150 cc milk (3/4 gls) 50 cc the pure water (1/4 gls) 10 gr white sugar (1 human resources) 20 gr rice flour (2 human resources) salt a little, according to appetite. The instruction: Milk boiled. Rice flour was diluted with water 50 cc and was put into milk that boiled until cooked, put granulated sugar into this porridge and was increased salt afterwards adopted.

Tips CAUSE of the eating DIFFICULTY to the baby and the child

Tips CAUSE of the eating DIFFICULTY to the baby and the child is The cause of the food difficulty really many. All the disturbances of the function of the body organ and the illness could take the form of the existence of the physical deviation, and psychological could be regarded as the cause of the difficulty of eating to the child. The physical deviation could have taken the form of the deviation or the gift infection of the gift organ since being born and the infection was received in the age of the child. Generally the cause of the difficulty of eating to the child of the public was distinguished in 3 factors, including being to be lost appetite, the disturbance of the process of eating on the mouth and the psychological influence. Several factors could be independent but often happened more than 1 factor. The cause most often was the appetite loss, was followed by the disturbance of the process of eating. Whereas the psychological factor that previously was regarded as the main cause, possibly when beginning to be left or very rare.
The influence was lost or the appetite reduction apparently was the main cause of the problem of the difficulty of eating to the child. The influence of this appetite could begin from that was light (decreased appetite) to heavy (did not have appetite). Tampilan the minor disturbance take the form of drank bottled milk often the remnants, time drank HEED decreased (beforehand 20 minutes to 10 minutes), ate often the remnants or just a few or dismissed and spit on-nyemburkan food on the mouth. Whereas the more difficult disturbance the child's appearance closed the meeting of his mouth or did not want to eat and drink completely. A fall of or this appetite loss was often caused because of the disturbance of the function of the channel to dissolve. The disturbance of the function of this digestion sometimes appeared minor as not having the disturbance. The sign and the sign that showed the existence of this disturbance was the bloated stomach, often “cegukan”, often farted, often vomited or as vomiting when disuapin ate. Easy emerged vomited especially when crying, shouted, laughed, ran or when angry. Often stomach pain sesasaat, was lost.


Giving ate to the child and baby indeed often to the problem for parents or the caretaker of the child. This complaint was often complained about by parents to the doctor who treated his child. The difficulty factor ate to this child that often was experienced by approximately 25% in the age of the child, the number will increase around 40-70% to the child who was born premature or with chronic illness. This also that often made the problem special for parents, even the doctor who treated him. The research that was carried out in Jakarta mentioned to the preschool child the age 4-6 years, was obtained by the prevalence of the difficulty of eating of 33.6%. 79.2% took place more than 3 months.
The difficulty ate because often and took place old often was regarded as normal. So as finally emerged the complication and the disturbance grew the other flower to the child. One of the delays of the handling of this problem was giving of vitamins without looking for his cause so as the difficulty ate this happened protracted. Finally parents kept moving of the doctor and by turns vitamins but appearance of the difficulty child ate him did not improve. Often also happened that the difficulty ate this was regarded and treated as the tuberculosis infection that was correctly uncertain of being suffered by the child.
With the handling of the difficulty of eating to the optimal child it was hoped could prevent the complication that was caused, so as to be able to increase the quality of the Indonesian child in facing the competition in the forthcoming globalisation era especially. Grow the flower in the age of the child was critical for the quality someone when being mature eventually.

The clinical manifestation that often was connected with the allergic sufferer to the baby

The clinical manifestation that often was connected with the allergic sufferer to the baby is:
· GANGGUAN of the CERNA CHANNEL: Often vomited/gumoh, kembung,“cegukan”, often farted, often “ngeden/mulet”, often FUSSY/GELISAH/COLIK especially tonight), Often defecated (> 3 times perhari), not the CHAPTER daily, defecated DARAH. Hernia Umbilikalis (the navel stood out), Scrotalis, inguinalis (the bump on the groin, the area of the testicle or the navel or “turun berok”) because often ngeden so as the pressure in the stomach increased.
· Kulit sensitive, often emerged the spot or the reddish boil especially on the cheek, ears and the area that were closed the nappy. Kerak in the area rambut.Timbul second-hand black as being bitten by mosquitoes. The eyes, ears and the area around hair were often itchy, was accompanied by the enlargement of the gland in the head behind. The waste of excessive ears sometimes somewhat smelly.
· Lidah often emerged white (like the fungus). The dry appearance lip or the middle lip was coloured darker (blue).
· Napas grok-grok, sometimes was accompanied by the cough from time to time especially the night and in the morning during the day was lost.

Reduced the Dependence on formula Milk

The action of Suara Ms Peduli apparently really encouraged many sides to take part in commenting. Including articles of Bung Zaim in the Republika daily (27/02/98 and 05/03/98). Afterwards a letter from Mbak Karlina that represented you Peduli responded to the article in the same daily (05/03/98). It seems as the housewife and the observer of the problem Ms and the Child, the writer was also interested and itchy his hands to go along "urun discussed" if could be said thus, to take part in responding to articles or the previous publication. This did not cause an opinion that was confused in the community.

The problem that was brought forward by Bung Zaim and Mbak Karlina indeed could not with the short-term resolution and only was just unilateral. Many good agencies the government and the related non government there. Both of them gaze at from the different corner, but also not there is one that is wrong. Knowledge Mbak Karlina ASI might not be doubted again, in fact he the supporter HEED since the movement HEED was not yet proclaimed. Only how the alternative to his resolution so that became their responsibility that cared would the formation of the generation of a nation that was healthy and smart in the future. Possibly in the short term that it was hoped was the fall of the price of milk straightaway, but the problem did not become was finished consequently. The wider community generally stays high the dependence would formula milk.

The method bathed the true baby

Prepared bathed the Baby
* always planned ritual bathed your baby. Confirm all of them were ready before beginning to bathe the baby. This will make more was easy and safe.
* if you could, reduced the temperature of his water until 40 * celsius. This made the baby more comfortable. The contents his bath with aer warm. Always test his water before with arms or your elbow. His water must warm and comfortable, not hot.

* For all the needs in order to bathe was available. You could provide soft soap, cotton balls and a clean nappy in his forum was their respective. Then brought the forum yan gsudah contained the toiletries with the towel and cloth pembilas to the room where you will bathe the baby. If all of them have been ready, took your baby.

* if you forgetfulness of a thing, you must bring your baby took the thing that the forgetfulness. This rather had difficulty being carried out moreover if his baby was still slippery and wet.


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The Design Method of the baby's food

Water The citrus fruit to baby
B a h a n: 1 Garut citrus fruit or the citrus fruit siam, + (100 gr). The instruction: the Citrus Fruit was washed clean and was cut off melintang then was blackmailed and refined. The giving method: For The First Time this orange juice was diluted with the cooked pure water with the comparison 1: 1 and was given total 1 sdt. This giving was increased day after day until could finish 1 citrus fruit, then the next one might not be diluted again. When tasting sour, could be increased sugar in the form of adequate syrup.

Tips For Prevented the element of the element that hindered the development of the Baby

Everyday watch your baby very carefully and follow these simple tips the baby for from the Home Safety Council. So They are will help you protect your baby in and around your home. Tips for Prevented the element of the element that hindered the development of the Baby is:
  1. In the Put babies to sleep on their backs. Keep pillows, blankets and toys out of cribs. Do not hang anything with strings or ribbons over cribs.
  2. The Children can choke on small things. If something is small enough to fit in a toilet paper tube, it is not safe for little for children. Every room in to the of your home. Pick up small items like for buttons, coins, jewelry and small toys. Keep latex balloons out of children’s reach – use mylar balloons instead. Watch carefully for loose If more than one is swallowed, they can attract each other in the body and cause serious injury or even death.
  3. The Practice fire drills to make sure everyone can wake up to the sound of the smoke alarmChildren will need help.escaping a fire.
Ok Thank's So this baby continue reading information in tomorow day.

The child played with the child that his age 1 year above he always was happy

Spoke about the problem of the age child 6 months headed towards the age 7 months might be said by the period where the child really needed attention from the father and the mother. The child always want studying urging to know the environment, adapted with around, both that the toy, or the friend play. indeed if the child played with the child that his age 1 year above he always was happy, to joke and be happy. The hot illness and pilek also occasionally could not be free from them. The paediatrician finally the way out to help so that the child get well soon from the feeling of the illness. Now the Devina Haifa Azka age still 6 months headed 7 months.

Pro-Vitamin B5

Baby soap is mid and gentle to cleanse even the most delicate skin. Baby soap is enriched with Pro-Vitamin B5 which is beneficial for healty skin. Ingrediens: Sodium palmitate, sodium palm kernelate, sodium palm sterate, aqua, glycerin, sodium chloride, parfum, cI 77891, panthenol.

Tips so that the child stays Healthy

For Information in The Tips so that the child stays Healthy:
  1. Give the immunisation in accordance with the available immunisation program.
  2. Gave porridge food or heeded the mother's milk if not yet wanting to eat the porridge.
  3. Try to get bought the toy that was appropriate for the age child 1-7 months.
  4. In the age 6 months asked continued sianak in order to want to dismiss the voice or words.

Tips handled so that the age child 1 to 7 month

Tips handled so that the age child 1 to 7 month in ngompol the alias peed.
  1. The substitute for the nappy or underpants and clothes if wet by the baby's urine or the child.
  2. Gave the drink or the mother's milk was adequate, the reason is that was given the pure water too possibly, usually the child would often urine.
  3. Don't let the child sendirian
  4. Lest the position of the child in the tense situation or the fear that in, because this will result in the baby and the child often urine or peed.

Tips for the age child 6 bulan

Saat this on Wednesday on November 27 2008 the child, devina still studied merangkak for the age 6 months possibly already during him untu continued to give nutritious food to the child that still must HEED or the mother's milk.

5 Tips the child was 1-7 months old

The Ketika tip the child was 1-6 months old:
  1. The child must be given balanced food.
  2. Determine his nutritive value the child's food, so that the child continues to grow healthy.
  3. Try to get the child could joke with children that seusian him or children that was 1 years old samapai with 3 tahun. therefore usually the fast child adapts in socialising.
  4. Try to get the child's food still with ASI or HEED (the Mother's Milk) when the child still could not eat the child's porridge.
  5. Give the immunisation and checked to the doctor routinely, so that the child stays healthy and pretty.


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The tip So that the Baby

The tip So that the Baby stayed Healthy:
1. The child must be able to stay calm and smiled.
2. tried to get the mother continued to give the smile that was best for the child.
3. Ask the child to smile when seeing you. Give the toy that made the child stay happy


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Tips so that the small child could swimingpool

This Photo Santi, Imas and eva in sumber kepuh tanjung anom nganjuk Indonesia. So for tips Children could swimmingpool is:
  1. in the age your 6 months just asked the child to enter water so that not hydrophobia. Teach him how mencipratkan water.
  2. Confirm that the baby always was in rengkuhan. So that safer, used the special buoy the baby who could keep the burden of the body at the same time making him sit quiet in the buoy.
  3. did not have tried to soak the child under the age 3 years will because of the gulp of water that entered accompany chemicals in his blood.
  4. When the age of the child reached 2-3 years, you could memakaikan the life-jacket. However, the existence of the buoy not meant you could careless supervised them when swimming.
  5. So that pleasanter, asked children to play football in water.
  6. If still hydrophobia, make accustomed they bathed below pancuran (shower). In this way his fear would water will gradually be lost.

Tips Healthy While being pregnan

This early to have the healthy child. And this pregnancy period really determined the growth and the development the small eventually.
  1. The control was arranged to the doctor to memeriksakan pregnancy. Last months pregnancy, the control must be carried out more often again. When you had the complaint or had the concern anything towards pregnancy that was experienced by you, periksakanlah to the doctor, although this not yet during him you must the control came back.
  2. Avoid the material or chemicals that that caused poisoning like insecticide, the paint, materials that contained mercury (the mercury) or lead.
  3. Stopped smoked when you smoked or did not become the passive smoker, because you often inhaled the cigarette smoke from the person of surrounding area, for example from the husband you.


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What do you do do make your outdoors safe for your child?

  1. When choosing lights LOOK and READ at the package. Use lights that say "rated for outdoor use only". Remember that these lights have been manufactured FOR a specific temperature. Outdoor lights are made to to withstand the cold and snow during winter. In other parts of the country, outdoor lights have also been known to be safe even in rainy weather because they are made sturdier and they're more rubber coated to protect the inside wires from peeling off easily or breaking during the cold winters. Kids have a penchant for lights so it is wise to make sure they're safe by following safety instructions when you purchase lights, decors and everything else which adds to the glitz and wonder of the season.Large outdoor decors are impressive. Yes you can have a huge Santa that's standing 7-8 feet tall. The holidays are a time of radiant displays BUT to make sure that if you have huge delightful Christmas outdoor figures, they are ANCHORED safely in the ground. If you have to use tools to do this, do so. Make sure that the base of your decoration is STURDY too. This assures you that kids are safe even if they attempt to touch or tug at your temptingly impressive outdoor decor. After all, you surely don't want Santa Claus falling over your kid. Make sure any electrical ones- or huge figures that are lighted - are plugged into a grounded electrical outlet.Children love to gawk and gaze at Santa Claus on top of the roof and the Nativity set in the garden illuminated by bright colored lights. 'Tis the season to be merry and kids are he merriest bunch during the yuletide season.The whole neighborhood is alive with an array of picturesque lights and your kid is naturally excited about, well-practically everything! There's Santa on the roof and you have Frosty the snowman too. What do you do do make your outdoors safe for your child?
  2. A grounded electrical outlet is important to use because kids could get an electrical shock by touching these figures and lights outdoors.The really huge thing these days however is a SAFER and LIGHTER alternative. Try to set up these new inflatable Santas and Snowmen on the ground. Some might be 15 feet tall but they are safer because they're only full of air and are less likely to harm any kid. A grounded electrical outlet makes sure that IF there is any short (electrical short circuit)of any type that happens, the electric automatically shuts off so the child does not get burnt or shocked.You can't keep kids from going outdoors during the merriest of seasons but you can sure make sure that they're safe while they enjoy the scenes and lights that are part of the magic of every Christmas season.

Tips for keeping Formula

Traveling over the holidays can be hectic, so try to keep it simple, and inexpensive. Having to buy more formula on the road can be a hassle. It would also be terrible to have to care for a sick infant or toddler while you are traveling. So, follow these tips to help keep baby formula off of your mind during the holiday season.First, bring a few bottles with frozen formula, and put it in an insulated cup holder. This will cause the defrosting of the bottles to slow down very much. When they have defrosted they are still cold for a long while. You will need to shake the bottles very well again, after they have defrosted. For three or four hour trips, this is usually sufficient.Of course, if your trip is much longer, some of the bottles may start to warm before they are needed for use. So, bring along a very small cooler. You can also keep a few little packets of powdered formula, or little zip lock baggies of formula, and any bottles you have, that have began to warm in the cooler to keep the formula cool until you need it.You already have to stop to fill up for gas, so just grab a small bag of ice as well. Ice is usually about a dollar a bag. So, when the ice from the cooler has melted, just replace it with fresh ice.If you are traveling in a car, you can always stop at a convenience store to pick up some ice. It is very easy to get ice on the road, whereas you may not find formula so easily, and if you do the prices are outrageous. You sometimes even have to pay double if you are buying at a convenience store. Doing this should help solve the problem and keep your bottles and formula from becoming warm and spoiled.


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Soy formula is best for infants

It has been said soy milk can contribute to mood swings, hormonal imbalance and an early onset of puberty. It was also mentioned to be one of the leading causes of obesity but there isn't any research to support these claims.Soy formula is best for infants who have a hard time digesting milk. During the first weeks of your infants welcoming into the world you may need to change formula a few times before finding the right one. This is because the digestive system of infants are still developing. The fat in milk can cause excessive gas and abdominal pain in infants which can cause colic.I chose soy formula for my daughter because she wasn't able to digest milk. This resulted in vomiting, excessive gas and a crying baby. We know an infants discomfort can also cause sleepless nights for both infant and parents. As a parent it is necessary to be aware of the vital signs.Soy formula also has DHA and ARA which is also found is breast milk. These nutrients are fats said to contribute to the infants visual and mental development of the brain.Do your research

Research infant formulas because knowing what is best during an infants development stage is very important. The first 12 months are milestones. Always be aware of changes in your infant when trying new formulas. This will help the pediatrician guide you in the right direction.
There are milk based formulas, soy formulas and there are also formulas which contains neither soy or milk. There are other options as well such as lactose free milk formula which has less or no milk fat. Be aware of allergy signs and changes in your infant's behavior because this can allow you to make a wise decision in your infants health because you will be able to have answers to any questions you may have during doctor visits. Soy formula now has just as much calcium and iron as milk to prevent calcium and iron deficiencies. We have all heard breast is best but Soy is easily absorbed and digested by infants. Be sure to check with your pediatrician before switching to soy.Also be knowledgeable of the brands and compare nutritional labels. Soy formula comes different brands such as Prosobee, Good Start and Bright Beginnings. Knowing these brands will also make you feel comfortable with making the right decision. We all want what's best for our baby and being able to compare brands always made me feel comfortable in the decision process.

Recalled after product makes children sick

The Food Standards Agency ,One mother from north London was reported to have given the milk to her nin-month old daughter, who was subsequently "extremely sick" for three days, she claimed.The spokesman for SMA said: "We have taken medical opinion and understand that any upset caused by drinking affected milk would be temporary."He added: "As a precautionary measure we are recalling the batch from retailers and advising customers not to use product from this batch."No other SMA products or batches, either liquid or powder formulations, are affected by this recall and parents can continue to use other SMA liquid and powder infant milk products with confidence."SMA Nutrition regrets any inconvenience or concern this recall may cause our customers and would like to reassure them of our commitment to provide babies and young children with the highest quality nutrition products."has confirmed SMA Nutrition has pulled 40,530 1 litre packs of SMA Gold ready-to-use liquid infant milk off shop shelves following 11 complaints.The packs of milk will be found on shop shelves around the country. The packs have a best before date of 12 March 2009 and carry the code 06033G.A spokesman for SMA Nutrition said customers complained of opening the packs to find the milk had separated and curdled.Most customers did not use the milk, but two babies refused to feed and one vomited immediately after drinking the product.

baby soy than to let a baby starve or become malnourished, but for those who have a choice, why take the risk?

Milk is best for baby, and mother's milk, at that. If nursing is impossible, go organic, and use glass bottles.Soy is a wonderful food, but it's overprocessed and overconsumed. Look carefully at ingredient lists, and you'll see soy in lots of places. Because soy is an estrogen mimicker, it can throw a baby's balance out of whack. Hormone imbalances can contribute to early onset of puberty, subnormal testosterone levels, thyroid disorders, liver problems, mood disorders, and obesity. Estrogen is also a carcinogen.Soy, unlike estrogen mimickers in plastics (again, use glass bottles, not plastic), does leave the system fairly quickly. (Estrogen mimickers in plastic can stay in the body for years.) But because your baby is growing and changing so fast, your baby may be far more vulnerable to even natural estrogens than adults are. Sufficient research doesn't exist to say for sure. It's certainly safer to give a baby soy than to let a baby starve or become malnourished, but for those who have a choice, why take the risk?Non-organic milk usually has hormones in it. Cow gets bovine growth hormone, cow make more milk. Baby drinks hormone-laced formula, baby may have problems. Or maybe not. Some information seems to be missing.Bovine growth hormone is supposedly inactive in humans, but when it is given to cows, a second hormone supposedly identical to the hormone in breast milk appears. Milk used in infant formula, at some point during the process is treated to denature the second hormone.

This leads to several questions:

Can we be sure Bovine Growth Hormone does not interact with the human body in any way?Is the second formula really identical to the hormone found in mother's milk (a hormone baby needs and is not getting)? If so why do formula makers denature it?

Is the denaturing process %100 effective? If not, what are the side effects of anything that remains active?Just to add more to those new-parent worries, some supposedly organic products aren't, so do some research before choosing a brand if you decide to go the organic milk route.

Don't take my word for any of it. Please do your own research, and use the latest independent scientific studies as often as possible. Even when articles cost, excerpts that contain valuable information are often free of charge.When government, industry, or individuals don't tell you the whole story, it's probably for their benefit, to your detriment.

Store Formula Safely

  1. If You Choose Infant Formula.The FDA makes sure that the infant formula you buy at the store is safe and has all the nutrients your baby needs.Babies can drink formula made from cow's milk or soybeans. Ask the doctor what formula to give your baby.Formula comes three ways: powder, liquid concentrate, and ready-to-feed. Powder costs the least. Ready-to-feed costs the most.

  2. Prepare Formula Safely.Sterilize bottles and nipples in a dishwasher or in a pot of boiling water for five minutes.Boil the water before adding it to powder formula or liquid concentrate. Bring it to a very bubbly boil. Keep boiling it for a minute or two, then let it cool.Mix powder formula and liquid concentrate with the exact amount of water stated on the label. Too little water can upset your baby's stomach or hurt the kidneys. Too much water keeps your baby from getting enough to eat.

  3. Warning.Use only approved infant formulas. Homemade formula may not have all the nutrients your baby needs to be healthy.

  4. Store Formula Safely.Keep the prepared formula in the refrigerator until you use it.Cover an opened can of ready-to-feed or liquid concentrate formula and keep it in the refrigerator. Use it within 48 hours after opening.To warm a bottle of formula, place it in a pot of water and heat the pot on the stove.

  5. Warning:.Don't heat bottles in a microwave oven! Microwaves make hot spots that could burn your baby's mouth.

  6. When Can You Switch To Whole Milk?.You can stop feeding formula and start whole milk around your baby's first birthday. But do not give your 1-year-old reduced-fat or no-fat milk. These kinds of milk don't have enough fat and calories for your growing toddler.Or you can continue feeding your child breast milk for as long as you want.

  7. Warning:.Don't give your 1-year-old reduced-fat or no-fat milk!


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Tips for Breast-Feeding Success

  1. If you can, breast-feed within an hour after your baby's birth.
  2. Put your nipple as far back in your baby's mouth as possible. This will make you more comfortable.
  3. Breast-feed your baby regularly and frequently, even as often as every two hours and at least eight times in a 24-hour period.
  4. Your baby should have at least six wet diapers a day.
  5. Don't give your baby sugar water or formula unless your doctor or nurse tells you to do so. Your baby usually will not need extra sugar water or formula.
  6. Air dry your nipples to prevent cracking and soreness.
  7. Eat a healthy diet. Rest as much as you can. Drink plenty of fluids, including water.
  8. Ask for help with other children, housework, and cooking. Your most important job is taking care of your new baby and you.
  9. Be patient. It will take time for you and your baby to learn how to breast-feed.

Breast-Feeding Is Best For baby

When you breast-feed, you don't have to sterilize bottles.You don't have to buy, measure, and mix formula.Breast-feeding lets you rest every few hours while you feed your baby.Feedings at night are easy. You don't have to get a bottle and warm it up.You can breast-feed while lying down.Breast-feeding helps you recover from childbirth and appears to improve your long-term health.

Feeding Baby with Breast Milk or Formula

Feed Your New Baby Breast Milk, If Possible Both breast milk and infant formula will help your baby grow. But breast milk is the best first food for babies. Either way, mealtime is more than just feeding your baby. It's a time to cuddle and comfort your baby, too.

Breast-Feeding Is Best For Your Baby Breast milk provides sugars, fats, protein, and vitamins that are just right for your baby.Breast milk may help keep your baby from getting sick. Sucking on the breast is good for your baby's jaw.It helps future teeth grow straight.


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Daughter's First Child

Baby number one the name is Devina Haifa Azka was our daughter's first child ( the eko susilo & siti Nur Ana) that was born on May 06 2008, to be precise on Tuesday wage struck 11,00 in the morning in the home the mother of the midwife hanik the village plosorejo the source village kepuh the young cape subdistrict nganjuk East Java Indonesia. Praise the Lord was born safely. All the requirements for the baby from small always drank HEED (the mother's milk)


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