Tips lulled the baby had 5 matters that must be done

Tips Tri said, there were several matters that must be paid attention to before the baby fall asleep, among them:
1. Give eating/MINUMAN YANG CUKUP.
Banyak the baby was difficult to sleep or to often wake up from sleeping him because felt was not yet full. Therefore, satisfied the requirement ate and drank the baby before sleeping. If his physical requirement was satisfied, the small never again often woke up in the middle of the night. That must be paid attention to, was inspected from the health of teeth, the habit gave milk tonight better be stopped after the baby's teeth emerged (around the age 6 months after the period HEED exclusive). As his substitute, gave the pure water if he was quite thirsty or calmed the baby so that sleep comes back.
2. The clothes ELECTION that true
ELECTION clothes to sleep that was comfortable. Adapt his measurement to the baby's body. Don't be too big but also was not too small that could make him crowded. Chose that his material was soft. The comfortable night attire helped the baby terlelap for a night.
3. Clean Body
Body was close because of sweat and dirty after eating and playing easy made the baby's annoying very itchy skin sleep him. It is best to, wiped the baby's body with waslap wet before sleeping. If necessary sapukan the powder to his skin fold and oleskan oil telon on the stomach and his back. The method of could make the baby comfortable and fast fell asleep.
4. Arrange room and badroom
Design the atmosphere of the room so as comfortable to sleep. This covered the light order, ventilation, the colours, the temperature, but also his box situation. You could place the box in the bedroom, by parents's bed or in the special room. Respectively this choice had the lack and the surplus. If the baby was often restless and woke up from sleeping, propped up the side of his body with the small pillow or buntalan the blanket (could also the soft towel) so as the baby felt the baby there are those that was on duty at him. Avoid also the voice bising that made him find it easy to be awakened. Did don't use pewangi the room and medicine pengusir mosquitoes that could make him crowded. Mosquitoes indeed often made the baby sound did not sleep. With the mosquito net that could protect the baby from the mosquitoes attack.
5. Go to the toilet sleeping
Celana wet and dirty could disrupt the baby's sleep. Therefore, try to get so that the baby defecates (the CHAPTER) or urinated (the BASIN) before sleeping. Indeed, this did not guarantee the baby not the CHAPTER and the BASIN in night time, because often not him the baby went to the toilet was affected asupan the drink and food, also were varied the other factor. But at least, the baby was used to it arranged his biological hour, including for the CHAPTER and BAK. Nah, so that the baby could continue to “kering” should not make accustomed gave him milk if he got up the night or used pospak. The requirement for the baby's nutrition 6 months above better be filled in the morning till 1-2 hours before sleeping the night then.
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