Tips maximised the Development of the Movement/Motorik the Baby 10-12 months
The age 10-12 bulan Around his age one year, the skill as well as the baby's skills makin developing. The pillar of his rough motor skill yg most prominent pada this age was increasingly skilled him he melangkahkan foot him. Currently the kecil increasingly hard-working melangkahkan foot him nearby while berpegangan pada furniture. :Jatuh bangun” was the matter yg normally yg would dialami the baby in maximising the running capacity. Therefore, sekali again, the security in and around the child must be awakened. In the age the baby's 10 months could have sat without help. Dengan used the strength of the arms muscle and his shoulder the small also began mampu generated his body to the position stood. All these skills bisa was carried out by the baby because he was increasingly clever at controlling the back muscle dan the shoulder. Apart from generating his body to the position stood the small juga liked to carry out the activity rose from sitting to afterwards sit down came back.
From his age yg the 11 months, yg most menonjoldalam the capacity motor rough the small was dapar was independent in time approximately 2 the second. At the moment apparently the small liked to stand without bantuan anything. This happened because of the control himself would the balance semakin developed, so as made the small be used to stood above kedua foot him. In carrying out the training activity berdri without this help, the kecil will straighten his leg from the position tengkurap or sat. Then ia will lift his body in a focusing manner to his two hands palms. His new happiness made the baby “malas” to sit again. Although wanting to return to the position sat, he would berpegangan apda the table. Moreover the small currently could have stood at attention 900 dashingly dan he continued denganberjalan two three steps yg will be tried by him lagi continually to convince himself, that he now could menapak the world without help who.
Apart from could have been independent, the small currently will become tukang panjat. Now he tries climbing things yg tampaknya interesting to be climbed like the table, the seat and the ladder. If menemukan the thing yg could dipanjat agilely the small will be climbing him. Oleh because that should not leave the small climbing without the supervision. Entered the age 12 months of most babies were ready for the road walau appeared still limbung. Went was the new experience yg amat fascinating. However sometimes the small chose merangkak ketika playing, possibly because this activity could make him moving lebih fast. Went was the activity yg mesmerised and it was considered by many orang as one historic pillar in the physical development of the child. Dapat walked was the achievement of the peak of the activity of the rough motor. The development of the Movement: rose to stand and rise then sat again. To train him, seated the baby in the surface like the floor atau the mattress, and let he tried personally to stand or rise untuk afterwards sat personally.
From his age yg the 11 months, yg most menonjoldalam the capacity motor rough the small was dapar was independent in time approximately 2 the second. At the moment apparently the small liked to stand without bantuan anything. This happened because of the control himself would the balance semakin developed, so as made the small be used to stood above kedua foot him. In carrying out the training activity berdri without this help, the kecil will straighten his leg from the position tengkurap or sat. Then ia will lift his body in a focusing manner to his two hands palms. His new happiness made the baby “malas” to sit again. Although wanting to return to the position sat, he would berpegangan apda the table. Moreover the small currently could have stood at attention 900 dashingly dan he continued denganberjalan two three steps yg will be tried by him lagi continually to convince himself, that he now could menapak the world without help who.
Apart from could have been independent, the small currently will become tukang panjat. Now he tries climbing things yg tampaknya interesting to be climbed like the table, the seat and the ladder. If menemukan the thing yg could dipanjat agilely the small will be climbing him. Oleh because that should not leave the small climbing without the supervision. Entered the age 12 months of most babies were ready for the road walau appeared still limbung. Went was the new experience yg amat fascinating. However sometimes the small chose merangkak ketika playing, possibly because this activity could make him moving lebih fast. Went was the activity yg mesmerised and it was considered by many orang as one historic pillar in the physical development of the child. Dapat walked was the achievement of the peak of the activity of the rough motor. The development of the Movement: rose to stand and rise then sat again. To train him, seated the baby in the surface like the floor atau the mattress, and let he tried personally to stand or rise untuk afterwards sat personally.
From could be climbing the height 15-30 cm seated the baby on the floor and gave the toy yg was liked by him. Take this toy and placed in the place yg higher. Try to get him saw this toy was moved and said “Ambil nak”, while slapped-nepuk this place. The child will try to gain this toy by creeping, then climbing this high place. Accompany the child from belakangsambil gave urging. If he found the difficulty of helping by pushing his behind. From could go although still 2-3 steps and afterwards fell terdudu because his balance was not yet perfect. When beginning to be proceeding, the step the small still limbung. Could have gone. Sometimes although could have gone the small still liked merangkak, because this activity took place faster, moreover if he wanted an object yg far to be covered by him. Asked the small went outside the room, for example in the page of the house or the garden. He needed space yg the area to try foot-foot him moving agile. Let him explore the room with foot him without being held.
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