Control CRYING

This method was often used by parents in many countries and was effective enough to calm the baby after several nights. His principle almost was the same as the method kesatu, that is let the baby cried. The baby will then surrender and finally fell a sleep. The difference is, this method gave break time that was extended gradually. Before beginning him, parents could break how long the child will be allowed to cry, minimal one minute. After placing him in the bed, said good night and left the small. If the baby continued to be awakened, came back in a period of that was appointed, for example 5 minutes. After the baby was calmed, left again and came back in longer time, like that henceforth until parents could leave the baby was oldest 20 minutes. Do that in the following night. Slowly increased the time break before checking the baby's situation. For example, don't come back visited the small before 10 minutes ended, then extended the time through to maximal 25 minutes. In the third night, after the mother's 15 minutes could just visit the baby in his box, afterwards the break was extended to 30 minutes, et cetera.
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