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Tips maximised the Development of the Movement/Motorik the Baby 7-9 months

Tips In this 7th month the baby began to be happy to lift and unload the bottom as well as his back. Skills foot him also was pointed out by him, for example when he was made stand again in our lap the small definitely will jump-loncat happy rocked-shook second foot him. Merangkak was the prominent activity yg often received the focus from parents. In the age the baby's 8 months began merangkak and shuffled along the floor. His skill merangkak made the small happy “berjalan” there come here. Moreover the back muscle and the shoulder the small increasingly has been controlled. Because of that he could currently sit personally without help from his two parents. Apart from sitting without being helped by the age child 8 months also began to be able to pull his body in the position stood. With the exercise stood this the small actually trained the development of the muscle foot him. He became happy rocked-shook his body in the future and behind. The strength of his car will help him merangkak quickly.
The further stage, the baby will practise standing in a second manner tangannya focussed on the seat, the table or other furniture yg dapat kept his weight. Saw when he tengkurap or merangkak, his two hands will try to hold the table or the small seat. Lalu while berpegangan, slowly he will lift his body untuk stood. From standing he then currently could sit personally without help.
The further stage was to creep. If he sudha was good at to stand sambil berpegangan, the two hands yg focussed will shift nearby, diikuti by foot him. But in the age the 8 months the small still could not untuk sat again without help. Because of that should not allow the small tanpa the supervision. In the age 9 skill months the small in learning to go already semakin clever. If you held his two hands he will practise menapakkan as well as melangkahkan second foot him. At the moment the small increasingly giat trained car-muscle foot him so as could fast went. Together with dengan the running exercise of the baby also increasingly “aksi” showed kepandaian merangkak yg has been pointed out in his age yg the 8.

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