The child's healthy hair
Need not worry if the child's thin hair. While he was healthy, there was no problem. Everything to the baby, who grew was temporary hair, not permanent hair. Many myths that still was believed about the maintenance of the baby's hair and the child. For example, hair was shaved bald so that eventually grew luxuriant. "That was untrue." Indeed, after being defeated, hair that grew will be seen thick, said Dr. Titi Lestari Sugito, Sp.KK from the Ilmu Penyakit Kulit Part and Gender of FKUI-RSCM. Shaved bald the baby, said Walk On, actually only traditions. From the aspect of medical, there were no of his relations shaved hair with thick hair. The baby's hair really depended the genetic factor. "If indeed from sono him his hair kind was thin, wanted to be defeated by how many times then, the issuing will stay thin also," said Walk On. Apart from thick-thin hair, the colour of hair has then been determined genetically.
The follicle (the cover of the hair follicle) was formed since the child was in the content and continued to develop until being born. The baby's hair just was born was temporary hair or velus. "Hair velus usually very soft and thinner than hair continue to," obviously Walk On. This temporary hair will fall automatically before the child aged a year, afterwards changed with hair continue to (permanent). In the first week the birth, sometimes the baby experienced baldness. "Enggak anything." This normally happens in the normal area was pressed. For example, because too long slept telentang or because of the friction with the pillow. The pressure and the friction will facilitate velus fell, so as to emerge baldness. After a year, velus usually fell all of them and changed permanent hairs.
So, hair to the baby and the child was the accumulation from the genetic factor was increased by outside factors that influenced. The genetic factor was not limited father-you but also could from the grandparent.
The follicle (the cover of the hair follicle) was formed since the child was in the content and continued to develop until being born. The baby's hair just was born was temporary hair or velus. "Hair velus usually very soft and thinner than hair continue to," obviously Walk On. This temporary hair will fall automatically before the child aged a year, afterwards changed with hair continue to (permanent). In the first week the birth, sometimes the baby experienced baldness. "Enggak anything." This normally happens in the normal area was pressed. For example, because too long slept telentang or because of the friction with the pillow. The pressure and the friction will facilitate velus fell, so as to emerge baldness. After a year, velus usually fell all of them and changed permanent hairs.
So, hair to the baby and the child was the accumulation from the genetic factor was increased by outside factors that influenced. The genetic factor was not limited father-you but also could from the grandparent.
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