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In the process gave birth that must be paid attention to to be able to give birth spontaneous

In the process gave birth that must be paid attention to to be able to give birth spontaneous The low location placenta/below indeed more had an impact more could be easy to experience the bleeding when having the movements of the wall muscle of the uterus that was shaped like a muscle plain was not controlled when responding to the stimulus that struck him. Has been good Ana you had the understanding by reducing the activity, especially that could stimulate the uterus. From the body counterweight (BB) and high the body (TB) to during pregnancy 28 weeks that reached 52 Kg, Ana you this still including ‘langsing’! In the process gave birth that must be paid attention to to be able to give birth spontaneous, the small equal and the head of the main baby of hip space, the weight to maintain stamina when pushing the baby was born, strong muscles and could be coordinated well. The proportion/heavy the baby could be counted on in a manner the physical inspection in the normal clinic and/or in a radiologik manner. The BB rise up to 10 Kg from before was pregnant, still quite good, if could be again heavier. Needed Ana you pay attention to, with TB Ana you, BB ideal before Ana you were pregnant that must him 59KG. Please try to get increased your Ana's weight by eating was arranged and sport. One matter more that needed Ana you remembered continued, should not attempt massaged/stimulated the uterus while being pregnant in the age of pregnancy whenever that, this was not good. Although Ana you worried would the position of the baby in your Ana's content, better consultations to the obstetrician. The content specialist doctor who has been expert in could ascertain your Ana's baby was in the position and the situation that should at the time of the birth. And again, the content specialist doctor had the USG implement that could exactly saw the position and the location of the baby in the uterus, it is another matter with the masseur that Ana you said that. Once more at random should not do pemijatan, although that with help of the content masseur, because pemijatan that was too excessive could give the excessive pressure on the baby and your Ana's uterus, even the birth before the time could happen. Was like this our explanation for your Ana's question that along with this, it is hoped could help.

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