The very naive matter, when a child became stupid, naughty, pemberang, or had problems, then parents blamed the teacher, the association in the school, and the environment that did not freeze. Three factors only played a role in the process of the development of the child, whereas the child's talent became stupid, naughty, or pemberang precisely was located from how parents gave the beginning of the life of this child. Not the strange matter that a foundling was educated and stimulated by his intelligence since still in the content. Even, since still the embryo, parents could see the development of his child's intelligence. To be able to like that, parents must pay attention to several aspects, including the fulfilment of the biomedical requirement, the affection, and stimulasion. This was expressed by the child's specialist doctor, Dr Sudjatmiko, MD SpA. Spoke about intelligence, of course could not be free from the problem of the quality of the brain, whereas the quality of the brain was influenced by several factors. In principle, according to Sudjatmiko, the positive development of intelligence since in the content could happen by paying attention to many matters.
Firstly, biological requirements (physical) took the form of nutrition for the mother was pregnant really must be fulfilled. A mother was pregnant, his nutrient must be enough. Meaning that, asupan protein, the carbohydrate, and his mineral were fulfilled well. Moreover, a mother was pregnant did not suffer the illness that will disrupt the growth and the development of the child in his content. The requirement for the nutrition personally, in fact not only when the mother contained, but when he was ready to contain then must have paid attention to the nutrient, food, and his nutrition composition must be complete, so as when he was pregnant, from the aspect of physical has been ready and the process of pregnancy will take place optimal in a manner nutrition. But, indeed in Indonesia or in developing countries in umumnya–boleh was said very rare had the family that prepared pregnancy. Even, often pregnancy was regarded as some that were startling. Be different from that happened in developed countries. This that tended to become the cause of early why children who were born afterwards did not have a quality, because of parents as though being not ready in all the matters to raise his child.
The second factor was the requirement for the affection. A mother must accept the pregnancy, in a sense pregnancy that really was desired. Without the affection, grew his flower the baby will not be optimal. “Si the mother was pregnant could ready and accept the risk from kehamilannya,” said former Secretary General Ikatan of the Indonesian Paediatrician. “Risiko that, for example, a career woman who was pregnant, felt a career woman who was pregnant, was loaded and worried will disrupt his work. He in fact wanted to be pregnant, but also felt was disturbed with his pregnancy. The condition like this was not conducive for stimulated the development of the baby in kandungannya,” he added. Moreover, according to the Lecturer the School Of Medicine of Universitas Indonesia this, there was the psychological factor that memengaruhi the development of the baby's intelligence, that is whether the mother was pregnant married officially or the elopement. His marriage was approved or not, and whether having the commitment between the wife and the husband. Without the commitment among both of them, the pregnancy could be regarded as annoying. Also must be support (the support).
Was different if the mother did matters that were not liked by him, because that was just the same gave the negative stimulus in bayi,” said Sudjatmiko. But, stimuli that was personally more effective when pregnancy has stepped on the age on six months. Because, in this age the network of the structure of the brain has to the baby begun to be able to function. To get conditions so, a mother was pregnant must continue to maintain nutrition that was received from everyday food. Moreover, necessary diimunisasi, for example with suntik TT. Lakukan also routine consultations with the doctor periodically. At first very much a month, and in the last month by the birth (partus), was tightened became triweekly, previous two weeks very much, and even approaching partus to every week. Sudjatmiko also suggested to not drink the medicine that he said could stimulate the development and intelligence of the baby's brain. The medicine of that kind of only nonsense. “Pemberian medicine of that kind no use, and was not influential whether-apa,” he said. “Yang important, created the educational environment, that is three factors.
In the meantime, the child's psychologist Dra Surastuti Nurdadi also revealed the same opinion. Positive stimulasion, according to him, indeed could increase the child's intelligence since in the content. From this stimulasion, was hoped for when the child grew, not only became smart, but could bersosialisasi with his environment. “Stimulasi caused the nearness between the mother and the child. Moreover, continued Surastuti, the baby still in the content could distimuli by being presented classic music, was asked to speak, and to be given by the flattery was full of the affection. Parents must also ready and try to teach his child's method bersosialisasi with the outside world when he still in the uterus.
But, why classic music? The opinion of this kind indeed continued to become the topic of the discussion. The great musician like Adhi Ms, headed by Twilite Orchestra, also believed in classic music could stimulate the baby's intelligence since in the content. Moreover, for the musical kind that ‘merangsang bayi’ this often has been sold in certain cassette shops. But, to more complete him the analysis about that, tried us take note the Surastuti speech that also the lecturer in the School Of Psychology of Universitas Indonesia this. Classic music, he said, had various harmony sorts that consisted of tones. These tones that gave stimulasion took the form of the wave alfa. This wave gave peace, comfort, and peace, so as the foundling was more concentrating.