The baby's habit sucked Hand

At first to the baby just was born through to the age 3 bulan,mengisap the finger was often done. This pointed out the baby in the healthy and normal situation, because of the reflex smoked indeed ought to have been owned by the baby since being born. So why, when the baby wanted menyusu, the mother's nipple need not be forced to be put into the baby's mouth. Be enough his cheek was shifted-shifted with nipples, then the baby will look for the nipples direction. However did not mean all the babies had the reflex smoked that was good, right. As being said by Prof. Dr. Dr. Nartono Kadri, Sp.A (K), there were several babies that reflek isap him was low, that is the baby who was born premature and the baby was sick. “Pada the premature baby, the reflex sucked his finger was slower compared with the healthy baby, because of his growth that was not yet too perfect. ” Sedangkan the baby was sick, for example, experienced the disturbance of difficult breathing. “Ini meant the baby in the weak condition, so as the reflex isap him was not good. The baby like this needed the hose because he could not mengisap,” continued this FKUI professor.
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