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The BABY's teeth grew

The BABY's teeth grew The process of the teeth emergence to the surface penetrated gums could not diukur the length. The extent of his position then only could be seen with foto x-rayed. However usually, first teeth emerged from the age around 6 bulan to 12 months. At first that grew was the teeth crown that berwarna white with the outside layer of his email, then following was dentin, dan again following was pulp that became the place of nerves and pembuluh blood. Latest that is the teeth root. One by one that memengaruhi time of the teeth emergence was asupan kalsium while the mother was pregnant. However, did not mean the mother that more mengonsumsi calcium will give birth to the baby with the growth of faster teeth. Anyway, the absorbency of calcium of each different embryo. Selain , asupan calcium was then needed by the formation and pertumbuhan bones.

In the process gave birth that must be paid attention to to be able to give birth spontaneous

In the process gave birth that must be paid attention to to be able to give birth spontaneous The low location placenta/below indeed more had an impact more could be easy to experience the bleeding when having the movements of the wall muscle of the uterus that was shaped like a muscle plain was not controlled when responding to the stimulus that struck him. Has been good Ana you had the understanding by reducing the activity, especially that could stimulate the uterus. From the body counterweight (BB) and high the body (TB) to during pregnancy 28 weeks that reached 52 Kg, Ana you this still including ‘langsing’! In the process gave birth that must be paid attention to to be able to give birth spontaneous, the small equal and the head of the main baby of hip space, the weight to maintain stamina when pushing the baby was born, strong muscles and could be coordinated well. The proportion/heavy the baby could be counted on in a manner the physical inspection in the normal clinic and/or in a radiologik manner. The BB rise up to 10 Kg from before was pregnant, still quite good, if could be again heavier. Needed Ana you pay attention to, with TB Ana you, BB ideal before Ana you were pregnant that must him 59KG. Please try to get increased your Ana's weight by eating was arranged and sport. One matter more that needed Ana you remembered continued, should not attempt massaged/stimulated the uterus while being pregnant in the age of pregnancy whenever that, this was not good. Although Ana you worried would the position of the baby in your Ana's content, better consultations to the obstetrician. The content specialist doctor who has been expert in could ascertain your Ana's baby was in the position and the situation that should at the time of the birth. And again, the content specialist doctor had the USG implement that could exactly saw the position and the location of the baby in the uterus, it is another matter with the masseur that Ana you said that. Once more at random should not do pemijatan, although that with help of the content masseur, because pemijatan that was too excessive could give the excessive pressure on the baby and your Ana's uterus, even the birth before the time could happen. Was like this our explanation for your Ana's question that along with this, it is hoped could help.

Tips for routines the baby could sleep was arranged and was sound asleep

Tips routines the baby could sleep was arranged and was sound asleep. Rutinity LIFE that had been carried out by the baby since getting up until before re-sleep (bathed, ate, played, went to the toilet, cleaned teeth and the mouth, listened to the fairy tale, et cetera) helped him to find the rhythm of the life. The rhythm was arranged made the baby could carry out anticipation towards the situation so as in this way he could receive the stability of emotions. This stability really memengaruhi the quality of the baby's sleep. The psychological condition for the mother also really memengaruhi emotions of the baby. The mother that stress will broadcast negative energy to his baby so as he was slavishly concerned. The clear concern was influential in the quality of the baby's sleep. Therefore, so that the baby could be calm the mother must also maintain his mental condition to stay stable.

Traditional for Balita Medicine you!

  1. The Young coconut juice & Coffee. Could be used for medicine muntaber because the young coconut juice often contained the potassium mineral, that often went out when the child muntaber. His dose did not have his dose, a child's desire. Mixt with a little coffee (a tip of the spoon then)
  2. Brotowali (Putrawali, andawali). for the outside use beneficial cured wounds and very itchy resulting from scabies (scabies). The method is, 2-3 stick fingers brotowali was cut off very small, boiled with 6 water glasses. After boiling, let during 1/2 the hour. Refine water and used to treat the wound as well as very itchy.
  3. The citrus fruit melted dahak and the child's cough medicine. The method is, mixed 1 human resources of the citrus fruit of distillation water nipis, 3 pure sweet human resources, 5 ripe water human resources, then ditim for 30 minutes. The dose drank the baby between the age 6-1 years: 2 times 1/2 sdt; the child 1-3 years: 2 times 1 sdt; the child 4-5 years: 2 times 1 1/2 sdt.
  4. The potato. For boil medicine. The method is, the potato grater and blackmailed. Oleskan the main point of water and the grater kendtang fresh dioleskan in the boil 3-4 times per the day could also to ruam skin that was caused the source of sweat or sweat buntet (miliaria), because of the characteristics of the potato that cool down.
  5. Banglai (bangle, panglai, manglai, pandhiyang). To calm the baby and the child that often fussy tonight, spread the grater banglai segal on the brow and the child's body.
  6. Oil zaitun. To treat kerak the head or dandruff to the baby (craddle crap), totalling 1-2 times per the day dioleskan to the scalp.

The importance of the Maintenance of in the teeth (the Candidate) Ms contained

You will plan immediately to be pregnant in the near future? Hmmm, better the cheque to the dentist, all of them ok. If teeth maintenance having the disturbance, although immediately could not be handled and become the obstacle in the pregnancy period. His article, the mother was pregnant that experienced chronic or heavy toothache was risky to give birth to the heavy baby was born low (BBLR) because his growth was disrupted, according to Heather Jaret, from University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, the United States in his presentation in the Internasional Association for the teeth research. Now Dr. Steven Offenbacher, Director Center of Oral and Systemic Diseases in the same University explained that this risk was the same the strength with the risk resulting from smoked or the use of alcohol.
The experts looked for relations between penyaki in gums and the baby beral was born low, by seeing the incident for 5-6 years later. The research was carried out by checking the health of teeth and the mouth to 850 women was pregnant, with the age twenty yearly, before the age of pregnancy 26 weeks. After that was examined again in time 48 hours after the change. This research also counted on the control and various risks, like the age, the status smoked him as well as the early change that had been experienced beforehand. The research found that the increase in the risk from the heavy baby was born low and the obstacle to the growth of the embryo was seen not all that if the disturbance on teeth and gums were indeed light. The risk became significant if his teeth illness was heavier.
Direct relations between the gums illness and teeth affected the baby indeed was not yet known clearly, but was estimated this was connected with the existence of the response to his swelling gums. Also did not yet have the research to prove that the maintenance of the illness in gums could reduce the effect of the negative on the embryo. Although like that, with this research better we more paid attention to the health of the mouth and teeth while pregnancy took place.

The child's healthy hair

Need not worry if the child's thin hair. While he was healthy, there was no problem. Everything to the baby, who grew was temporary hair, not permanent hair. Many myths that still was believed about the maintenance of the baby's hair and the child. For example, hair was shaved bald so that eventually grew luxuriant. "That was untrue." Indeed, after being defeated, hair that grew will be seen thick, said Dr. Titi Lestari Sugito, Sp.KK from the Ilmu Penyakit Kulit Part and Gender of FKUI-RSCM. Shaved bald the baby, said Walk On, actually only traditions. From the aspect of medical, there were no of his relations shaved hair with thick hair. The baby's hair really depended the genetic factor. "If indeed from sono him his hair kind was thin, wanted to be defeated by how many times then, the issuing will stay thin also," said Walk On. Apart from thick-thin hair, the colour of hair has then been determined genetically.
The follicle (the cover of the hair follicle) was formed since the child was in the content and continued to develop until being born. The baby's hair just was born was temporary hair or velus. "Hair velus usually very soft and thinner than hair continue to," obviously Walk On. This temporary hair will fall automatically before the child aged a year, afterwards changed with hair continue to (permanent). In the first week the birth, sometimes the baby experienced baldness. "Enggak anything." This normally happens in the normal area was pressed. For example, because too long slept telentang or because of the friction with the pillow. The pressure and the friction will facilitate velus fell, so as to emerge baldness. After a year, velus usually fell all of them and changed permanent hairs.
So, hair to the baby and the child was the accumulation from the genetic factor was increased by outside factors that influenced. The genetic factor was not limited father-you but also could from the grandparent.


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Tips maximised the Development of the Movement/Motorik the Baby 7-9 months

Tips In this 7th month the baby began to be happy to lift and unload the bottom as well as his back. Skills foot him also was pointed out by him, for example when he was made stand again in our lap the small definitely will jump-loncat happy rocked-shook second foot him. Merangkak was the prominent activity yg often received the focus from parents. In the age the baby's 8 months began merangkak and shuffled along the floor. His skill merangkak made the small happy “berjalan” there come here. Moreover the back muscle and the shoulder the small increasingly has been controlled. Because of that he could currently sit personally without help from his two parents. Apart from sitting without being helped by the age child 8 months also began to be able to pull his body in the position stood. With the exercise stood this the small actually trained the development of the muscle foot him. He became happy rocked-shook his body in the future and behind. The strength of his car will help him merangkak quickly.
The further stage, the baby will practise standing in a second manner tangannya focussed on the seat, the table or other furniture yg dapat kept his weight. Saw when he tengkurap or merangkak, his two hands will try to hold the table or the small seat. Lalu while berpegangan, slowly he will lift his body untuk stood. From standing he then currently could sit personally without help.
The further stage was to creep. If he sudha was good at to stand sambil berpegangan, the two hands yg focussed will shift nearby, diikuti by foot him. But in the age the 8 months the small still could not untuk sat again without help. Because of that should not allow the small tanpa the supervision. In the age 9 skill months the small in learning to go already semakin clever. If you held his two hands he will practise menapakkan as well as melangkahkan second foot him. At the moment the small increasingly giat trained car-muscle foot him so as could fast went. Together with dengan the running exercise of the baby also increasingly “aksi” showed kepandaian merangkak yg has been pointed out in his age yg the 8.

The fever to the Child

The definition of the Fever:
The Fever was the condition where the brain defined the temperature above setting normal that is di on 38C. Namun Demikian, hot that actually was when the temperature > 38.5C. Akibat the demand of the increase setting tsb then the body will produce hot.

Three Fase Demam
1. shivered - until the temperature of the body reached his peak,
2. then menetap
3. and just finally down
How and Why Demam Timbul Peningkatan in the temperature of this body was caused by the circulation of a molecule kecil in our body that was mentioned dg PIROGEN - the PENCETUS PANAS SUBSTANCE.
What yg caused the occurrence of the increase in the formation pirogen? Many, like the infection, the inflammation, the ferocity, the allergy, teething, etc..
Inflammation - Fever Pertama, RADANG. Apa Sih the inflammation? The infection? In English, the inflammation was INFLAMMATION, not infection. Therefore, the inflammation could be caused by the infection but could also not because of the infection. If because of the infection, could the germs infection (bakteria) or because of the virus infection, the fungus, the parasite; but most infections in the baby and the child was caused by the virus. What the cause of the inflammation that not the infection? Could the allergy (that tersering), could also the trauma, grew teeth (teething), or because of the illness autoimun (had the mistake “program” in the body where the body organ it was thought as “musuh” and was attacked by the immune system. Secondly, what the INFECTION? The infection was the entry of the microorganism (micro organisms or living creatures yg very small that generally could not be seen with the eyes) to our body. The entry micro-organisms this not necessarily caused us to fall ill, depended many matters in part depended as strong our body resistance. When our immune system was strong, possibly we did not fall ill or although
DEMAM ITU must BE INFEKSI? That not necessarily, although the most was resulting from the infection. To the baby and the child most were the virus infection. Why if the infection must be feverish? Has been proven that the deliberate fever was made by our body as efforts to help the body to put aside the infection. When being attacked by the infection, then definitely the body must eradicate the infection tsb. His method? By mobilising the immune system. Command troops to oppose the infection was white blood cells and in carrying out his task so that effective and exact the target, white blood cells could not be alone, was needed by the support of many sides including pirogen. Pirogen brought 2 missions: 1.Mengerahkan white blood cells or leucocytes to the location of the infection 2.Menimbulkan the fever that will kill the virus because the virus did not keep the high temperature, the virus grew fertile in the low temperature. Where the role of medicine penurun hot? Medicine penurun hot, worked hindered the Cox enzyme - so as the formation prostaglandin was disrupted-that the next one caused the disturbance of the increase in the temperature of the body. Medicine penurun hot in no way treated the cause of the fever